The Smart Schedule may be accessed via three three places in Moovila: the Task Owner column, the schedule dialogue for a specific task, or the left navigation. The first two options show task detail in the Smart Schedule, the third option displays a general view of user schedules.
- To access via the Task Owner column, click on the task owner column for the task whose scheduled events you'd like to view/add to/edit/delete.
- The Task Owner dialogue opens. Click on the Smart Schedule toggle at the top.
- The Smart Schedule opens, displaying details for this task at the top of the screen. The currently assigned owner (if one has been applied) appears at the top of the Smart Schedule's calendar display.
- To access via the Schedule Dialogue for a specific task, first click into the Schedule column for that task.
- The Resource Schedule Dialogue opens. Click on the Open Smart Schedule button in the upper right of the screen.
- The Smart Schedule opens, displaying details for this task at the top of the screen. The currently assigned owner (if one has been applied) appears at the top of the Schedule Schedule's calendar display. Any already scheduled events associated with this task are listed here as well.
- To access via the left navigation, this feature must first be added to your user interface. In the left navigation, click on the More Options icon.
- The More Options menu opens. Click on the Interface Preferences option.
- The Interface Preferences dialogue opens. Click to turn on the "Show Smart Schedule in main navigation" option, then click OK to update.
- Moovila will refresh, and the Smart Schedule icon will now appear in the left navigation. Click the Smart Schedule icon to open.
- The Smart Schedule opens. From this access point the Smart Schedule displays a general view of all user schedules.