Smart Schedule is powerful functionality, and the screen has many facets. Find a breakdown of the functionality by zone in the screenshots below.


Zone 1: Top Bar + Task Detail

a. Remove Owner: Click to remove the current owner from the task and return to the previous screen.

b. Smart Schedule Toggle: Click on the toggle again to return to the previous screen.

c. Close: Click Close to return to the previous screen.

d. Task Detail: If Smart Schedule has been accessed via a task's Owner column or Schedule Dialogue, that task's detail will display at the top of the screen. This displays the Task Status, Task Name, Project (if applicable), Customer (if one has been assigned), and Reference number (if applicable).

e. Notes: Click in to view/add/edit notes associated with this task.

f. Resource Type + Skills: When the Resource Type and Skills layers have been turned on in the Smart Schedule, the resource type and any skills that have been associated with the task will appear just below the task detail.

g. Start + Due Dates: These are the start and due dates associated with this task. The calendar display below will display the end date of this range.
Forecast Dates: These are the dates that Moovila's Critical Path forecasts anticipate that the work will completed based upon dependencies and the completion of other upstream tasks.

h. Task Minimize: Click here to hide task details and display more of the Smart Schedule below.
i. Budget Details: Associated budget hours for the last display here:
Work Estimate: The total number of hours entered for the Work Estimate field of this task.
Actual: The total number of hours logged against this task to-date.
Est. Balance: The total number of hours remaining in the work estimate based on the number of actual hours.
Remain: The number of anticipated hours remaining for this task. This takes the original work estimate and multiplies it by the percent complete associated with this task.
Scheduled: The number of hours assigned to scheduled events.
Unscheduled Balance: The anticipated hours remaining for this task (Remain) minus the scheduled hours for this task.

j. Percent Complete: Displays that percent complete associated with this task. This number drives what displays as remaining hours associated with the task.

k. Actual Hours - Time Log Access: Click to open the Time Log associated with this task. Here time entries may be reviewed, edited, and/or added (depending upon permissions).
l. Open Appointments: Displays appointments associated with this task that have not yet been marked complete. Click on an appointment to highlight it in the Smart Schedule below. Double click on an appointment to view details and/or edit.

m. Schedule Auto-Find: When turned on, this feature looks for the first available timeslot for each day and for each user for the time increment selected. By default this will be the equal to the unscheduled balance for the task. Choose one of the preconfigured schedule increments, or click to edit the last increment and apply a custom time.

Zone 2: Upper Navigation + Settings


Layers: This is where elements of Smart Schedule may be turned on and off, controlling the level of information displayed on the calendar. The layers include:
Scheduled Events: Moovila: Displays appointments on the calendar from Moovila.
Schedule Events: Integrated PSA Systems: Displays appointments on the calendar from integrated PSA systems.
Scheduled Events: Calendar Integrations: Displays appointments on the calendar from integrated Outlook or Google calendars.
Appointments with dates and no times: Displays appointments that have been added, but are not yet associated with a date and time to aid in scheduling work.
Open Tasks: Displays all open tasks that belong to a user across the bottom of their calendar.
Task Delay Forecast - Smart Target: Shows anticipated changes in task delivery time's based upon user capacity.
Task RPAX Date Variance: Shows anticipated changes in task start or end dates based upon predecessors in the Critical Path.
Timezone: Displays user timezones with their user information detail.
Resource Type: Displays user resource types with their user information detail.
Skills: Displays user timezones with their user information detail. 
Match Strength: Displays the strength of the match between the user and the task at hand based upon a combination of the skills and resource type assigned to the task and those held by users.
Capacity Metrics:Displays user capacity.

b. Sort: The sort setting changes the order in which users are listed below. Choose to sort by Match Strength, Name Ascending, Name Descending, Resource Type, or Skills.

c. General Settings: The Smart Schedule Settings dialogue provides the following options:

Calendar start time: This sets the start time displayed in Smart Schedule--it is the first hour that displays in the day. The start and end times may be adjusted to accommodate dispersed teams or teams that work a broader set of hours.
Calendar end time: This sets the last time displayed in Smart Schedule--it is the final hour displayed in the day. 
Snap Time Increment: Scheduled events that originate in Moovila may be dragged and dropped, or pulled to expand or contract in Smart Schedule. This sets the increment at which those items can be adjusted. (e.g. an increment of 15 minutes will let me snap scheduled events to 1:00, 1:15, 1:30 and 1:45)
Task scheduling capacity model: Options to display capacity for users using the Smart Target (front-loaded, optimized), Amortized (even distribution) capacity module, or both.
#of Days to Auto-Find: Controls the number of Auto-Find options that will display in a view. For example, if this is set to 5 it will display timeslots on the next five available days.
Auto Find per Day: Controls the number of Auto-Find options that will be presented per day. For example, if this is set to 3 it will display up to 3 timeslots per day where available. The options displayed will always be the earliest available.


Task Display Settings: This setting allows the tasks (found below the user's calendar when this layer is turned on) to be viewed by current start/due dates or by RPAX forecasted start/due dates.

e. Show Unassigned Scheduled Events: Turning on this setting displays a calendar at the top of the Smart Schedule containing all scheduled events that do not currently have an owner. From here they can be viewed, edited and assigned out, or dragged and dropped to other user's calendars for quick assignment.

f. Refresh Linked Calendar Data: Click to refresh and pull updated data from any linked systems.

g. Row Height Adjuster: Use the "+" and "-" to increase or decrease the height of the time "rows" displayed in Smart Schedule. Increasing row height will allow more detail to be visible, decreasing row height will compact information, allowing a more dense display of schedules.

h. Calendar Display Options: Smart Schedule will default to a week view, but can also be displayed as a daily view or monthly view.

i. Date Range: Shows the range of days currently being displayed. Clicking on the arrows at either side of the date range allows you to move forward or backward. If you are viewing a task, this date range will default to display the due date.

j. Today: Click here to return to the current day in Smart Schedule.

k. Timezone Setting: Click here to select another timezone in which to view your Smart Schedule. By default, the Smart Schedule will display all work in your timezone (this is determined by the timezone set up in your computer's settings). This means that if you are viewing the calendar of another user who is two timezones behind you, an appointment displaying at 10am on your Smart Schedule will display at 8am on theirs. If another timezone is chosen from the dropdown, a red circle will appear next to this setting, showing the difference in hours being displayed. 

l. Quick Filter: Type into this field to quickly find matches based upon a search term in the Smart Schedule. Click the icon to the left of the filter to change what is being searched--users or schedule entries.

m. Filter: Click on this icon to open the Filter dialogue. Schedules displayed can be limited to a specific team or teams, and/or a specific user or set of users. Filter criteria can be set to a default by clicking the Set as my default button.

n. Hours Display: Use these arrows to shift the visible time range displayed. The number of hours will remain the same. For example, if my time range is 8am to 5pm (9 hours), clicking the "up" arrow will move the time range to 7am to 4pm.

Zone 3: User Detail

a. User Detail: Displays the user's profile image, name, and team. If the Timezone layer is turned on, it will display here as well.

b. Pin User: Click to freeze this user's Smart Schedule calendar display at the top of the screen, other users' calendars will scroll below.

c. Current Owner: If a specific task is being viewed, this button will display "Current Task Owner" if the user owns this task. If not, it will display a blue button that reads "Assign Task."

d. Resource Type: If the Resource Type layer is turned on, it will display here.

e. Skills: If the Skills layer is turned on, skills will display here. If a specific task is being viewed, skills that are a match for the task will appear next to a green check, skills that a user has that don't match the current task will display next to a grey plus sign, and skills that are missing will display next to a red x.

f. Match Strength: If this Match Strength layer is turned on, this feature will indicate how strong of a match this user is for a task based upon their resource type and skills' alignment with the resource type and skills associated with the task.

Zone 4: Schedule + Calendar Detail

a. Hours Display: Use these arrows to shift the visible time range displayed. The number of hours will remain the same. For example, if my time range is 8am to 5pm (9 hours), clicking the "up" arrow will move the time range to 7am to 4pm.

b. Time: An hourly breakdown is available for the Weekly calendar view. The hours displayed will align with your timezone.

c. Work Time Indicator: Smart Schedule uses color to indicate available work days and times:
  • Deep purple days in the calendar indicate days that are not designated work days. These might be weekends or recognized holidays.
  • The white time that displays in the calendar indicates "work time" for the user whose schedule is being viewed.
  • The lighter purple time that displays indicates non-working time for designated work days.

d. Calendar Integration Appointments: If the Calendar Application Entries layer is turned on via the Layers menu, any appointments being pulled in from integrated calendars will display in grey. These appointments are view only and cannot be modified via Moovila.

e. Moovila Appointments: Moovila appointments must be turned on via the Layers menu. They display in a light purple color. These events may be edited, added or deleted via the Smart Schedule.
f. PSA Integration Appointments: If the PSA Integration layer is turned on via the Layers menu, any appointments associated with this integration will display in a lighter blue. These appointments are view only and cannot be modified via Moovila.

g. Currently Viewed Task Appointments: If a specific task is being viewed, its appointment(s) will appear in a bright blue color.

h. Schedule Auto-Find Option: If the Schedule Auto-Find in the upper right corner of the Smart Schedule is turned on, the earliest available timeslots for this work to be done will appear in light green, bordered by a dotted line.

i. Appointments with No Time Assigned: If the Appointments with dates and no times layer is turned on, those scheduled events that are assigned a user, but not a specific time will appear here. From this area they may be dragged and dropped to a designated time.

j. Tasks Assigned: If the Open Tasks layer is turned on, assigned tasks that have not been marked cancelled or complete will appear here. 

k. Task RPAX Date Variance: When the Tasks Assigned layer and Task RPAX Date Variance Layers are turned on, arrows will appear on at the far end of any task that is anticipated to start or end early or late, based upon the dependencies established in the Critical Path. The shape of the arrow indicates how the dates vary. For example, in the tasks below, Task 1 is forecasted to start on-time (flat end), but end late (tip pointed to the right). Task 2 is forecasted to both start late (end pointed to the right) and end late (tip pointed to the right).
image (4).png
image (5).png

l. Task Delay Forecast - Smart Target: When the Tasks Assigned layer and Task Delay Forecast Layers are turned on, this number will appear at the far right end of any task that is anticipated to finish late, based upon the user's capacity.

m. Capacity: If the Capacity layer is turned on, a user's capacity will appear here, indicating the amount of work assigned to them vs. their available capacity.

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