Organizing Tasks: Selecting a View

Choose how SmartTasks are displayed by using the View options.

Under the View icon, select how to display SmartTasks. Select from the options: Dashboard, Power Grid, Calendar, Thumbnail, or Kanban. Here is a breakdown of functionality for each View option and suggestions for when that view might be most useful.

  1. Dashboard View: This view is highly customizable, allowing you see your SmartTasks in the way that is most actionable for you. There are several panels built into the default dashboard, but even these can be adjusted by shifting them from Power Grids to charts, adding new columns or changing the sort order. Custom panels give you the opportunity to filter the SmartTasks that will display to a subset that is highly relevant for the way that you work.
    a.   Edit Dashboard: Click the edit button to turn on edit mode for the dashboard, allowing you to modify panels, change visualizations, move panels into a new configuration and more.
    b. Panel Title: The panel's title communicates what subset of SmartTask data you are viewing in that part of the dashboard along with a count of the number of SmartTasks held within that panel.
    c. Panel Range: For some default panels the SmartTask data has been filtered to show data within a date range. Click on the range number to edit it.
    d. Change View - Chart: Dashboard panels can be toggled back and forth between a chart visualization and a Power Grid without entering edit mode. Click this icon to shift to a chart view.
    e. Expand Panel: Click this icon to expand a panel to fullscreen. On dashboard panels unable to display the full listing of SmartTasks, you'll also see (...more) in the lower right corner of the panel. This can also be clicked to expand the panel.
    f. Change View - Power Grid: Dashboard panels can be toggled back and forth between a chart visualization and a Power Grid without entering edit mode. Click this icon to shift to Power Grid mode.
  2. Power Grid View: This view can be useful if you need to see many SmartTasks at once, as it is the most condensed of all the View options. It also provides an at-a-glance update on the status of SmartTasks, and allows for quick completion or editing of tasks by typing directly into the Smart Grid and batch saving changes. This view is highly customizable, as columns can be added or removed and SmartTasks can be organized via grouping and sorting. Please note: if filter options are set to only show “open” SmartTasks, SmartTasks will disappear from the view as they are completed. To view completed SmartTasks, change filter settings to include completed SmartTasks.
    a. Group: Choose a way to organize SmartTasks into groups--by Due Date, Status, Priority, Owner, Assigner, Team, or Project.
    b. Favorites: Long running SmartTasks or those that need a closer eye can be marked as favorites by clicking the "favorites" star associated with that task. Click the Favorites icon in the header to filter down to just those SmartTasks who have been denoted with a star. Click again to view all SmartTasks.
    c.   SmartTask Group Header: Based on the Group criteria, Moovila will organize SmartTasks. The number to the right of the header is a count of how many SmartTasks fall within this grouping. (In this example there are 10 SmartTasks associated with the Accurate, Inc. Onboarding team).
    d. Collapse All: Click to close all groupings.
    e. SmartTask Status: These symbols provide at-a-glance updates on the status of SmartTasks.
    mceclip1.png A fully open square indicates that a SmartTask has not been started.
    mceclip2.png A half-filled square means that the SmartTask is In Progress, and has been marked with a percent complete greater than zero.
    mceclip3.png A square with a check mark indicates that the SmartTask is complete.
    2020-09-04_13-35-11.png A square marked with a "caution sign" shows that a SmartTask is marked as Blocked. This indicates that the team member responsible is unable to complete the SmartTask without an intervention--this may be more information, more resources, etc.
    2020-09-04_13-34-44.png A square marked with an "X" indicates that a SmartTask has been cancelled.
    f. Expand SmartTask: Click this icon to open the SmartTask and view all details.
    g. SmartTask Work Dates: These are the dates that the work is scheduled to take place. If the dates appear in red, they are in the past, so the SmartTask is overdue.
    h. SmartTask Duration + Work Estimate: This displays when a duration, or anticipated amount of time to complete a SmartTask has been assigned.
    i. SmartTask Percent Complete: This is a pie chart representation of the percent complete that has been recorded for a SmartTask. This functionality is helpful in keeping the team up to date on how work is progressing.
    j. SmartTask Owner: This image displays the owner of the listed SmartTask. When a team member takes ownership of a SmartTask, it means that they have accepted their assignment and assumed accountability for its completion.
    k.  Project Name: This column displays the project associated with the SmartTask.
  3. Calendar View: This view displays SmartTasks in a date-oriented format.
    a. Favorites: Long running SmartTasks or those that need a closer eye can be marked as favorites by clicking the "favorites" star associated with that task. Click the Favorites icon in the header to filter down to just those SmartTasks who have been denoted with a star. Click again to view all SmartTasks.
    b. Date Toggle: The date range displayed in the calendar is listed here (in this example it is September 2020 – February 2021). Click on the arrows to the right and left of this date range to go back to a previous month, or advance further into the future.
    c. Calendar Display: Calendar view can be displayed in a Monthly format (as shown here), or in a Weekly format. Click on this button to toggle between the two options.
    d.   Capacity and Calendar Settings: Click to modify the setup of your work week within Moovila, and update calendar integrations. Learn more about this functionality in Managing Capacity and Prioritizing Work with SmartSchedule.
    e. Refresh Calendar: The calendar refreshes at midnight by default. Click to pull the latest detail from integrated calendars.
    f. Prior Calendar Notification: When overdue SmartTasks exist in previous weeks or months than those displayed in the current calendar, they will be called out here.
    g. SmartTask Listing: SmartTasks are displayed on their due date. The number that accompanies the SmartTask indicates the number of days behind the planned completion date the SmartTask is forecasted to finish.
    h. More SmartTasks: This number indicates that there are more SmartTasks associated with this date than can be displayed. The total number of SmartTasks listed on this date is shown. Click on this number to view all SmartTasks.
  4. Thumbnail View:
    a. Group: Choose a way to organize SmartTasks into groups--by Due Date, Status, Priority, Owner, Assigner, Team, or Project.
    b. Favorites: Long running SmartTasks or those that need a closer eye can be marked as favorites by clicking the "favorites" star associated with that task. Click the Favorites icon in the header to filter down to just those SmartTasks who have been denoted with a star. Click again to view all SmartTasks.
    c. SmartTask Group Header: Based on the group criteria, Moovila will organize SmartTasks. The number to the right of the header is a count of how many SmartTasks fall within this grouping. (In this example there are 11 SmartTasks associated with the Accurate, Inc. Onboarding team).
    d.   Collapse all: Click to close all groupings.
    e. SmartTask Owner: This image displays the owner of the listed SmartTask. When a team member takes ownership of a SmartTask, it means that they have accepted their assignment and assumed accountability for its completion.
    f. SmartTask Deadline: Each thumbnail contains the due date for that SmartTask.
    g. Late SmartTask:  SmartTasks that have surpassed their due date will display as red tiles.
  5. Kanban View: This view organizes SmartTask thumbnails vertically based on their Group setting (by due date, status, priority, etc.).
    a. Group: Choose a way to organize SmartTasks into groups--by Due Date, Status, Priority, Owner, Assigner, Team, or Project.
    b. Favorites: Long running SmartTasks or those that need a closer eye can be marked as favorites by clicking the "favorites" star associated with that task. Click the Favorites icon in the header to filter down to just those SmartTasks who have been denoted with a star. Click again to view all SmartTasks.
    c. SmartTask Group Header: Based on the Group criteria, Moovila will organize SmartTasks. The number to the right of the header is a count of how many SmartTasks fall within this grouping. (In this example there are five SmartTasks that have not been started).
    d. SmartTask Thumbnail – Assigner / Assignee: Each SmartTask is represented with a thumbnail in this view. The photo and “To” indicate who the SmartTask is assigned to, and “From” indicates who assigned it.
    SmartTask Thumbnail – Title
    : The SmartTask’s title is listed. In this view, thumbnails can be dragged and dropped into different groupings groupings by Team Leaders or Primary Leaders. For example, a completed SmartTask can be dragged from In Progress to Complete. NOTE: Please exercise caution when dragging and dropping SmartTasks, as project deadlines may be impacted and any changes will need to be manually rolled back to undo.
    e. SmartTask Thumbnail – Due Date: Each thumbnail displays the date by which a SmartTask is due at the bottom. SmartTasks that display in purple are still on time, those that display in red are overdue.


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