Organizing Tasks: Grouping

To group all SmartTasks by the limiter of your choice:

  1. Click into the 2020-09-04_08-30-20.png icon menu in the upper navigation.
  2. The Group options appear.
  3. Select an option to group SmartTasks:
    2020-09-04_08-30-34.png None: Removes any grouping of the SmartTasks so that they display as a single list. 
    2020-09-04_08-30-34.png Due Date: Groups SmartTasks by their deadline, starting with Overdue, then displaying Rest of Today, Tomorrow, Rest of this Week, Next Week, and Beyond Next Week.
    mceclip1.png Status: Groups SmartTasks into Not Started, In Progress, Blocked, Complete, and Cancelled.
    Moovila_Grouping_Priority.png Priority: Groups from the most urgent to the least urgent—Critical, High, Normal, and Low.
    mceclip3.png Owner: Groups based on SmartTask Owner. SmartTasks that are still pending (have not yet been accepted) will also appear here once they have been assigned.
    mceclip4.png Assigner: Groups based on who assigned the SmartTask.
    mceclip5.png Team: Groups based upon the team who is assigned to the project to which the SmartTask belongs.
    mceclip6.png Project: Groups SmartTasks based upon the projects to which they belong.
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