Using the Project Portfolio: Timeline View

Click within the View menu to toggle between Portfolio Dashboard, Timeline, Grid, and Thumbnail Views.

Portfolio Timeline View offers detail on the health and status of projects in the Project Portfolio over time. Get at-a-glance information on the status of project milestones, overdue tasks, forecasted completion dates and more.Snag_75256f0b.png

Core Elements of the Portfolio Timeline View:

  1. Column and Timeline Display Settings: Click to turn on/off the columns and timeline visualizations displayed. A checkmark next to a column title indicates that it will be displayed.
    Columns available include:


    Category: The category with which the project has been associated (categories are customizable and allow similar projects to be grouped)
    b. Changed Date: The date the project was last modified
    c. Due Date: The assigned due date for the project
    d. Effort Bal. (hrs): The amount of effort (time) remaining on open project tasks
    e. Effort Tot. (hrs): The total amount of effort (time) on all tasks within the project
    f. Favorite: This shows which projects within the portfolio have been selected as favorite, and allows user to quickly mark projects as favorite for easy filtering visibility
    g. Forecast Date: Displays the date that a project is forecasted to end without intervention. Dates in purple are forecasted to end on-time, dates in red are forecasted to end late, and dates in green are forecasted to finish early
    h. Impact: The daily financial impact associated with this project appears in this column for those with rights to view it (those rights are configured in project setup)
    i. Product: The product with which the project has been associated (products are customizable and allow similar projects to be grouped)
    j. Program: The program with which the project has been associated (programs are customizable organizational initiatives)
    k. Project Name: The listed name of the project
    l. Project Owner: The person to whom the project belongs
    m. Project Priority: The assigned project priority (Low, Normal, High, Critical)
    n. Scope: The reach of this project (Enterprise, Team, Personal)
    o. Stage: The stage that has been assigned to this project’s progress (stages are customizable and allow projects at a similar point of progress be grouped)
    p. Start Date: The date the project began
    q. Sub Title: Sub-title detail for the project
    t. Tasks-Counts: Blocked, Critical Priority, Done, Late, Open, Total
    u. Team: The team assigned to the project
    v. Value: The project value associated with this project appears in this column for those with rights to view it (those rights are configured in project setup)
    w. Variance: Difference between Due Date and Forecasted Completion Date
    x. RPAX: Projects are given an RPAX score that corresponds to adherence to best practices in project planning. The more that these best practices are followed, the higher the score, the stronger the project plan, and the better the odds of hitting deadlines.
  2. Adjustable Columns: Expand or decrease the width of columns by pulling their edges. Change the order of columns by dragging and dropping them to the right or left.
  3. Timeline: Displays the year, month, and quarter that correspond to the Project bars in the Portfolio Timeline below.
    Timeline Views:
    Late Task PortfolioTimelineLate.png
    Milestone Task  PortfolioTimelineMilestone.png
    Forecast Box PortfolioTimelineForecast.png
    Progress by Completion Date  PortfolioTimelineProgress.png
  4. Today in Timeline: This line marks today’s date.
  5. Adjustable Divider: The project list or timeline can be expanded or collapsed to by dragging the divider in either direction.
  6. Timeline Progress Bar: This chart displays a great deal of detail in a small space. Each bar in the chart represents a project’s timeline.
  7. Project Grouping: These groupings represent the Sort criteria assigned to the Project Portfolio, and can be collapsed or expanded using the Close All, +,  and – buttons.
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