Opening a Notification

  1. From the Homescreen click the Notify icon. The Notification Center screen appears displaying Pending Messages. Unread notifications appear first by default.
    In this example, we are viewing the Notifications screen in List mode and messages are sorted by SmartTask type. If any messages appear in red (or pink, if they’ve been viewed), someone has rejected a SmartTask or an invitation, or is sending a nudge requesting an immediate response or reaction.
  1. Notifications fall into one of two categories:
    1. Assignment: These notifications extend an invitation to you to join a team, work on a project or to complete a task. These notifications require an action from you--you must accept or reject the assignment.
      a.   Click a notification item or card (depending on your view) to open it.
      b.   The notification opens displaying the name of the person that assigned you and the name of the task/team/project. You may also click the [open] link to view the details of the SmartTask, team or project. Enter a response comment if you wish, then click Accept (to accept the SmartTask) or Reject (to reject the SmartTask), or use the back arrow in the upper left corner to return to the Notifications screen without taking action.
      c. After accepting or rejecting the assignment, the notification will automatically be archived and will no longer display in your pending notifications listing.
    2. Information: These notifications are delivered to keep you up to speed on the status of projects, tasks and teams. Examples of this notification type are accepted task assignments, completed dependencies, rejected projects, or due date changes.
      a.  Click a notification item or card (depending on your view) to open it.2020-09-03_15-11-02.png
      b. The notification opens displaying the person who complete the action, the task/team/project involved, and if the notification is regarding a task/project/team, the [open] link will open the detail view for that item. Use the back arrow in the upper left corner to return to the main Notifications screen, or click the Archive button to archive the notification, removing it from your Pending Notifications screen.


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