A manual time entry is time that is added without clocking in/out of the platform. To add a manual time entry:
- Click on the Resource icon in the left navigation.
- Select the Create Manual Time Entry option from the menu.
- The Enter Time dialogue opens, displaying any time entries already made today via clocking in/out or as a manual entry. Click the "+" button at the bottom of the screen to add a new time entry.
- Enter details for the time entry, using the tab key to advance through fields in the Power Grid. Before the entry has been saved it will appear as a green row. Multiple entries may be added and saved in a batch. Once all desired time entries have been included, click the Save button to continue or the Cancel button to discard.
- Once saved, the time entry will appear as a standard grey row.
- Manually added time entries will appear alongside standard time entries that utilize the time clock. In the example below, note the icons in the "Type" column. The first entry is a manual time entry. The second is a standard time entry.