Adding a Manual Time Entry

A manual time entry is time that is added without clocking in/out of the platform. To add a manual time entry:

  1. Click on the Resource icon in the left navigation.
  2. Select the Create Manual Time Entry option from the menu.
  3. The Enter Time dialogue opens, displaying any time entries already made today via clocking in/out or as a manual entry. Click the "+" button at the bottom of the screen to add a new time entry.
  4. Enter details for the time entry, using the tab key to advance through fields in the Power Grid. Before the entry has been saved it will appear as a green row. Multiple entries may be added and saved in a batch. Once all desired time entries have been included, click the Save button to continue or the Cancel button to discard.
  5. Once saved, the time entry will appear as a standard grey row.
  6. Manually added time entries will appear alongside standard time entries that utilize the time clock. In the example below, note the icons in the "Type" column. The first entry is a manual time entry. The second is a standard time entry.
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