Via the General Expense Log, expenses associated with Moovila projects and tasks can be tracked for accurate budget monitoring.

  1. From the Homescreen, click on the Resource Tracking icon.2022-07-26_10-07-30.png
  2. The Resource Tracking menu opens. Select the General Expense Log option from the menu.
  3. The General Expense Log opens, displaying any previously entered expenses that match the filter criteria. By default it will display expenses from all projects for the current month. Click on the "+" button in the center of the screen to add an expense.
  4. A line will be added to the General Expense Log, prompting you to select which type of expense this is: General, Subsidiary or CAPEX. Choose the expense type that corresponds.
  5. Enter additional information for this expense via the Power Grid form, adding the expense status, vendor (adding a new vendor if needed), reference number, project, task, total cost, etc. Click on the Attachment icon in the Attachment column to add images documenting this expense.
  6. The Add Attachment window opens. Click the "+" button in the center of the bottom of the screen. 
  7. Select the location in which this attachment can be found, then select the attachment from the listing.
  8. Once all detail has been added for the expense, click the Save button to save changes.
  9. As more entries are added to the General Expense Log, the following can be used to change the way that these expenses are viewed:
    a. Filter Panel: Use this panel to limit the view of expenses to specific projects, a date range (by default it will show only this month's expenses), the date an expense was changed, or the date an expense was created.
    b. Group: Use this dropdown menu for the ability to group expenses by project, task, vendor, or category.
    c. Column Headers: Use this dropdown menu to include or remove columns from the General Expense Log view.
    d. More Options: This menu contains options to reset the columns to the original default set/width, export the General Expense Log as an .xls file, or print to a PDF file. 
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