Moovila Version 35.2.69903 was released on July 9, 2024, EST.
The following updates are available in this release:
- Updates to the current Resource Wizard user interface and functionality:
- Enhanced Budget Information: Detailed budget information associated with the task will now be available, including:
- Actual (Total time logged)
- Estimated Balance
- Percentage Complete
- Remaining Hours
- Visual Changes:
- Task Owner List: Minor visual enhancements have been made to the task owner list view. These include pinning the current owner to the top and updating the logo to reflect the new "Smart Schedule" name.
- Expanded Smart Schedule View: This area has grown to accommodate upcoming feature enhancements, including updates to the top-level task detail information and pinning the owner as the primary resource.
- Task Owner List: Minor visual enhancements have been made to the task owner list view. These include pinning the current owner to the top and updating the logo to reflect the new "Smart Schedule" name.
- Enhanced Budget Information: Detailed budget information associated with the task will now be available, including:
- Other miscellaneous updates and improvements:
- Task Notes are now being displayed in Project Notes as intended.
- An inactive project filter has been added to the Project Portfolio display, improving performance and load times.
- DRM capacity calculations now top-level budget items for completed projects as intended.
Minor Releases:
- 7/10/24 (Hotfix): Update allows CW Schedule Items changes to properly reflect in Moovila.
- 7/12/24 (Hotfix): Backend change to improves the performance of schedule data call for ConnectWise integration.
- 7/16/24: Halo integration functionality improvements and updates.
- 7/17/24 (Version 35.2.70086): This fast follow release contains Smart Schedule performance improvements.
- 7/18/24 (Hotfix): Tasks for which a user is scheduled as a resource are now appearing as intended within views and dashboards.
- 7/31/24 (Version 35.2.70246): Halo integration now shows when the following two permissions are not set in the Halo agent: "Editing of Actions: Can Edit All Actions" and "Can remove To-Do Items: Yes."
- 8/2/24 (Hotfix, Version 35.2.70289): The cloud storage file picker now loads as intended. Efficiency improvements to Moovila's denormalization logic were also implemented.
- 8/5/24 (Hotfix): Further improvements to Moovila's denormalization logic.
- 8/7/24 (Version 35.2.70288): Within the Project Portfolio, when importing a project, HaloPSA projects are now available for import.
- There is a verification process to ensure that the correct ticket types and fields are present on the project before importing.