Moovila Version 36.1.70795 was released on September 12, 2024, EST.
The following updates are available in this release: 36.1.70795:
HaloPSA Integration - A variety of new features have been added to improve and extend the functionality of this integration. These include:
Project Syncing from Moovila to Halo: Projects may now be pushed from Moovila into HaloPSA with use of the Sync to HaloPSA option found in the More Options menu.
- A check will be performed to ensure that the project owner and/or managing team are currently synced with Halo before proceeding. Learn more about this functionality here.
Action Sync (Notes and Time Entries):
- Action outcomes will be brought over as "Note Categories" in Moovila. In order for actions to be able to sync with Moovila they must not have a system use in HaloPSA. Learn more about considerations for action sync here.
- Charge types will be synced over to Moovila and available in a read-only format for selection and application as a default work type on Moovila time entries. Learn more about using work types here.
Project Syncing from Moovila to Halo: Projects may now be pushed from Moovila into HaloPSA with use of the Sync to HaloPSA option found in the More Options menu.
On September 16, 2024, Integration Logs were made available for both users of ConnectWise and HaloPSA integrations. This includes the following functionality:
For ConnectWise Integration Users:
- A "Sync Info & Logs" screen has been introduced, which allows users to filter the logs based upon criteria such as date range, log level, project, ConnectWise object type, and ConnectWise ticket ID.
- The API Request Details list all the ConnectWise API requests sent from a Moovila enterprise to the connected ConnectWise instance. This allows the verification of whether an API request was successful in creating, updating, or removing an object in ConnectWise after a change was made in Moovila. The details of when it was requested, the HTTP method, request URL and contents, and the returned HTTP status and response.
- The Integration Logs include explicitly written logs to communicate the occurence of specific API errors as well as when particular actions are made in Moovila either by a user or the integration itself.
For HaloPSA Integration Users:
- A "Sync Info & Logs" screen has been introduced, which allows users to filter the logs based upon criteria such as date range, log level, http method, project, HaloPSA object type, and HaloPSA ID.
- API Request Details list all the HaloPSA API requests sent from a Moovila enterprise to the connected Halo instance. This allows verificaiton of the success of an API request in creating, updating, or removing an object in Halo after a change was made in Moovila. The details of when it was requested, the HTTP method, request URL and contents, and the returned HTTP status and response.
For ConnectWise Integration Users:
Minor Releases:
- 9/17/24: An additional API endpoint was added to Moovila for future use.
- 9/18/24 (Hotfix): This release resolved an edge case scenario in which task steps were duplicating. It also limited the number of steps per task that sync to ConnectWise to 500. If there are more than 500 task steps on a task in either Moovila or ConnectWise, that task will no longer sync. Additionally, ConnectWise is no longer called to update phases when no changes were made to the phase, resolving an issue in which a task's owner and dates were being cleared when tasks were re-ordered in Moovila.
- 9/19/24 (Hotfix): A performance improvement was released for the Public API.
- 9/23/24: This CICD release changes the way that Halo Actions that are handled when assigned to a non-synced user, resolving an issue with agent sync rescheduling.
- Jira 5.87.45: This release syncs tasks that are assigned in Jira into Moovila, bringing them in unassigned. All tasks from Jira will now be synced to Moovila with no team assigned.
- Halo 5.87.231: Halo logging performance update.
9/25/24: A permissions container was added to the backend which will allow the addition of a permission in a future release.
- Halo 5.87.232: Performance logs now track issues regarding the deletion of time records.
- 9/26/24 (Hotfix): ConnectWise Ref# is now displaying on synced tasks as intended.